Lot's to do and little time to do it.

So I have been off of school for nearly a week now. And with the holidays I haven't had a chance to really do much of anything. Two Christmas's tend to eat up most of the time. I still have a lot to do around the house. We have spent about 2 days cleaning up everything that we didn't get a chance to do over the week. I still have to build some bookshelves for the bathroom and I want to fix the shelf for the drawings. I also have been trying to go through a ton of the books that I bought over the last four months. And with all that I still have been trying to get in some artwork. 
But Today I managed to get to the wild life reserve and get some photos for stock with the digital camera. I might try to find a way to post it, but for the most part that's personal stock. I also want to put up some stock that I took of a  model for some school projects, more or less just to give back to people. 
Over the last couple of days I have been trying to work on my thesis. Thus far I have several sketches that I have to scan in so that I can start overlaying them with digital work. And I have been doing a bit of speed painting for the last day or so. I have been pretty happy with them so far, I think the composition is down but it needs more work. I need to clean up castle that I was working on and play with the graveyard a bit more. Right now they only have 45 minutes a piece on them. I would like to put in at least another 2 hours on each one.
I have been trying to get my website updated. Ideally I would like to redo the whole thing in php, but the way things are going I don't think I will have the time. Maybe I will just clean up what I have, put in a little more css. We shall see I guess. 
And on top of that all I have been trying to get the models done for the app that we are working on. 
Sigh, Crazy life.