Blogging in General

It's been a couple of months since my last blog post, to be honest I never know what to write. I spend most of the time during the day as a teacher working on trying to improve my students, but my nights are usually filled with projects that I want to work on to further myself as an artist. I always feel like I am doing busy work and never really feel like I get anything substantial done. Thus I feel like I have nothing to share. Sigh.

But that being said I look at what I have done in the past couple of months and it is filled with work, but not my work. I have been developing a course for one school and about two weeks ago they decide they want me to do the media for it. So now I am working on building all the media for the course.  I am also doing the media for another school doing a series of Illustrator videos for course content. So it has little time for me to actually work on "How to Draw book" But I wanted to show this illustration I did for the book which gives a step by step process on how I completed it as well as the issues that I had with it. 
