
So I have been spending all day in front of my computer, I wanted to update my website, I had several issues where the images where being blow out of proportions, and I fixed that and then I went through and put in updated images that gave me a bit larger size. I am not quite all done with it but I am pretty close. As I was digging through my work for the last umpteen years I found a lot of stuff that never really got posted, speed paintings, studies, even full works that I just was so busy I didn't get a chance to post it. So I am going to spend some time tomorrow trying to upload some of it. I also have a ton of stuff I started and things got in the way and never got to finish it. So I am going to make it a point this year to spend the time finishing some of that stuff. 

That aside I have been working on the same chapter in the book and here is an updated pic.

Throne Room

So as of late I have been trying to get some Curriculum Designs off my plate as well as get caught up with some work of my own. Right now I am still working on my book, and I am putting another chapter in the book taking a illustration from start to finish in Photoshop as well as explaining the process. So I wanted to post the first part of the process. which is nothing more than the line drawings as well as some simple shading. 

That aside I am also working on trying to find an art style for our card game. I want to do something that is quick enough to do myself, but still interesting for the viewer. Hmmm.

Forest Throne

I usually do these speed paintings for students when I get an environment class, or a drawing class. I think this was an environment assignment that I did in about 45 minutes. I usually don't post these because well they are just sketches, but I need to put that aside, and start posting more often. I am realizing that the projects I do take up so much time, that I can go a month or more without posting anything.

Anyways, this is one that I did for a warrior character. I will take the time to finish a bit later and post it as well.

Forest Throne

Updated Site

Well I finally got a chance to update my personal site. It's not 100% perfect but I managed to revamp it. I now have svg's as well as some HTML5. I still need some tweaking but I will go through and do a bit of it throughout the month when I have more time. I did it a bit different, not going so dark this time around.