Forest Throne

I usually do these speed paintings for students when I get an environment class, or a drawing class. I think this was an environment assignment that I did in about 45 minutes. I usually don't post these because well they are just sketches, but I need to put that aside, and start posting more often. I am realizing that the projects I do take up so much time, that I can go a month or more without posting anything.

Anyways, this is one that I did for a warrior character. I will take the time to finish a bit later and post it as well.

Forest Throne

Updated Site

Well I finally got a chance to update my personal site. It's not 100% perfect but I managed to revamp it. I now have svg's as well as some HTML5. I still need some tweaking but I will go through and do a bit of it throughout the month when I have more time. I did it a bit different, not going so dark this time around. 

Free time

I know I am really bad about posting updates on a frequent basis but here is another one. I went to Chicago and painted in the figurative illustration workshop featuring a trapeze artist. 

I am playing a bit of Dragon Age Inquisition now but I am still working on my book and soon to have my website redone as well.


Blogging in General

It's been a couple of months since my last blog post, to be honest I never know what to write. I spend most of the time during the day as a teacher working on trying to improve my students, but my nights are usually filled with projects that I want to work on to further myself as an artist. I always feel like I am doing busy work and never really feel like I get anything substantial done. Thus I feel like I have nothing to share. Sigh.

But that being said I look at what I have done in the past couple of months and it is filled with work, but not my work. I have been developing a course for one school and about two weeks ago they decide they want me to do the media for it. So now I am working on building all the media for the course.  I am also doing the media for another school doing a series of Illustrator videos for course content. So it has little time for me to actually work on "How to Draw book" But I wanted to show this illustration I did for the book which gives a step by step process on how I completed it as well as the issues that I had with it. 


Time off

It's been a while since I posted anything useful mainly because I have been busy with a side project and have been traveling the country to get the kids. So I figured I had a few minutes and some time for an update while I am waiting for my students uploads to... well upload. 

So what have I done in the last couple of months. Well I finally graduated from Academy Art University with MFA in conceptual art. Even though I still don't have the degree because they have been taking their time to get it to me. It's been like 3 months wait. Sigh. 

I did a couple of YouTube videos over the last couple of months. Not many mainly because I have been swamped with working on other stuff. 

But you can see them here


That said I have been working on a side project which I am turning into a drawing book. I am sick of seeing how to draw and how to paint books that do everything in 3 steps. So I started writing a book about the mistakes we make and how to fix them in drawing and illustration. I hope to get a publishing company to help me out or else I will self publish. I also am going to have my wife do the layout of the book, since that is what she does :)