In Progress

As of right now I'm getting my head space in order. I am going to have a couple of weeks off for the holidays. So my next step is two different things. First is that I took a course at Udemy on programming in Unity. I wanted to have a better grasp on programming for future endeavors. I am kind of missing the game company from a couple of years ago. Without my programmer I realize that I can't do it all. But I have researched different downloads that give me the base of several different types of games without having to do the brunt of the work.

The second thing that I want to work on is my book. Having some time away from it is time to get back to work on it. Right now it's sitting in Indesign ar something like 300 pages. I recently finished my last piece and am contemplating putting it in the book. I also wanted to get more practice exercises in there as well. And since my wife is finishing her degree so, after she gets some much needed rest she is going to help me layout the book.


So this is a Christmas present for a friend of mine, we started off in college playing DnD over two decades ago. And I figured that this would be a good present. The large beast in the middle was my character Suchee, an alighi druid, and his was the goblin assassin playing chess with my character. I am going to print it on canvas and give it to him.

I started out with this character by building my rough idea of what I wanted. I knew that it was going to be in a bar with casks in the background. I then found it easier to quickly block out a 3D background and paint my rough characters over, and move them around in order to get a good composition. I then started just blocking in colors in after my line work of the characters were done. From there it was pretty much a step by step process of doing one character at a time. This took me a bit longer since there were so many characters. After I was done with the entire composition, I put a multiply layer with dark blue, and a screen layer of yellow for the highlights and used this to push and pull my depth.

I think on this one I really pushed the idea of self critique, I tried not to get stuck in that blind rut of problems. I wound up going through what I had done each morning after I had gotten done the night before and making myself pick three points that didn't look good and needed to fix them the next time I worked on it. 

Bar Scene

I have been working on a DnD style painting as of late. Right now the characters are just place holders as I work on the background. I still need to work on them with reference. Any thoughts feel free to comment. The moose head is just in there for placement and will probably be a dragon head or some other type of monster.

Frozen Lake Speedpaint

A speedpaint I did for Facebook's Spitpaint 30 minutes using Photoshop

Newest paintings

I have been working on different things lately. I did a photoshoot and have been working on painting some illustrations. This one I had an idea from a Conan Painting, but the race was technologically savy and was using smaller people as life sources.

Here is the work in progress:

And my last piece, I wanted to do something a bit more fine artish, and I wound up painting her in a couple of days. On the last day, staying up too late, I painted some bits and pieces in there. 

So right now I am going to work on a bit of my Batman Beyond Concept art.