
So this is a Christmas present for a friend of mine, we started off in college playing DnD over two decades ago. And I figured that this would be a good present. The large beast in the middle was my character Suchee, an alighi druid, and his was the goblin assassin playing chess with my character. I am going to print it on canvas and give it to him.

I started out with this character by building my rough idea of what I wanted. I knew that it was going to be in a bar with casks in the background. I then found it easier to quickly block out a 3D background and paint my rough characters over, and move them around in order to get a good composition. I then started just blocking in colors in after my line work of the characters were done. From there it was pretty much a step by step process of doing one character at a time. This took me a bit longer since there were so many characters. After I was done with the entire composition, I put a multiply layer with dark blue, and a screen layer of yellow for the highlights and used this to push and pull my depth.

I think on this one I really pushed the idea of self critique, I tried not to get stuck in that blind rut of problems. I wound up going through what I had done each morning after I had gotten done the night before and making myself pick three points that didn't look good and needed to fix them the next time I worked on it.