Style Vs. Learning

I often am asked about how to get your own style. I think that one of the things that we don't understand as new artists is that style comes with knowledge. It is dependent on the information we learn and from where we learn it. If you learn your anatomy from a anime book, your style will be influenced with it. If we learn from classical paintings it will be influenced. All style is a collection of knowledge. The more knowledge you collect, the more you define your style.


Foreshortening quicktip

Three Quarter View Tips

Working on Art contest

Working on the ancient civilizations contest, these are just some in-progress shots

Artwar: Cyn

So this is my final render for the ArtWar Competition, I wanted to create this futuristic woman for this. Now I don't do much futuristic work, so this was out of the norm for me. I wanted to create a near future warrior. She is a regular soldier, now turned merc with a good heart. Kind of an anti hero, she uses a light weight exoskeleton which increases her speed and strength. During her battle she she did lose an arm and had it replaced with a cybernetic replacement. With a taste for the dramatic she had the arm painted like a full sleeve tattoo. 

Instead of loading her with a ton of gear, I wanted her to be self sufficient. I figured at this point with laser guns as overpowered as they are, body armor would be useless and not as developed as the weapon yet. I thought about developing fancy outfits and clothes, but then I figured out that this is probably only 50 years in the future, which things don't change that much, we are a slow growing society. So Jeans and a T shirt as still kind of the norm and matched her Tom Boy style.