Contest Continued.

I have been continuing working on the Artstation contest a bit more. I feel like it's going really slow, never getting much time to work on it. I have to take this class for a college that I teach at and it's sucking up a lot of time. But the plus side of it, is that I use the class to build up a gumroad tutorial that I have been wanting to do. 

I need to re-evaluate my workflow and see if I can speed up my process. a bit more. That aside I am finding tribal tattoos to be a bit of a task, since I haven't really done them before. On this character I still need to work on his legs a bit more. I feel they are kind of bare with all the stuff going up on his chest. 
This is the character line up. As you can see it's getting there. I have a little bit more of the background going on and I have 3 of the ten characters fleshed out. Not done mind you, just fleshed out. 

If you want to check out the progress feel free to at

Art Station Lost and Found Civilizations.

I have been working lately on the Character design challenge for Artstation's Lost and Found Civilizations. I started out with individual figure designs and started with silhouettes and just built them up from there. To save memory I have been just working with the individual files and using references in the larger format. I haven't posted too much on the blog because I am pressed for time to finish these characters before the end of the contest. If you want to see the process of the characters feel free to check out here

Books On a budget

So for those of you that don't know I am a huge book nut. I love all types from instruction manuals like drawing, and painting to software to fiction.

Not only do I have a wall of books but several other bookshelves . A series of ImagineFX magazines in the closet. And people always ask me how I afford all of them. First I buy a lot of old used books on You can get a lot of them for under $5. Your software books like 3ds max and Maya haven't changed that much for the basics. There are still a lot great sections in most of the books.

Character Development with Maya

3ds Max modeling for Games

They talk about relevant techniques that are current like box modeling, edge looping and more. The these books are great starters to learn software.

Drawing books are so many and honestly there is a lot of junk ones out there. I love this book because it's a highlights the basics.

I also check out  Half Price Books for some hidden gems. And I look for sales.  Live model books just had a huge mark down on slightly damaged books so I filled in my collection of missing books.

So you can do it all on a budget.

Now I just have to read them all :)