Contest Continued.

I have been continuing working on the Artstation contest a bit more. I feel like it's going really slow, never getting much time to work on it. I have to take this class for a college that I teach at and it's sucking up a lot of time. But the plus side of it, is that I use the class to build up a gumroad tutorial that I have been wanting to do. 

I need to re-evaluate my workflow and see if I can speed up my process. a bit more. That aside I am finding tribal tattoos to be a bit of a task, since I haven't really done them before. On this character I still need to work on his legs a bit more. I feel they are kind of bare with all the stuff going up on his chest. 
This is the character line up. As you can see it's getting there. I have a little bit more of the background going on and I have 3 of the ten characters fleshed out. Not done mind you, just fleshed out. 

If you want to check out the progress feel free to at