Painting Mood

So on my quest to get better on understand painting with mood, I started researching last night on painting mood itself. And honestly there wasn't much out there. It was kind of this obscure search that didn't really bring up many results. Maybe I am thinking too much into it. The best I found was a info gram from on colors and mood. And it basically gave screen shots from movies and based the shots on color. A deep overtone of color.

So is this mood, does color really do it all? No not by itself. I think tonight I am going to play around with some sketches. to get true emotion. I am going to work with body poses and hands and faces. I have some sketches that I have started a while back ago and focus on the mood and feeling of each sketch. 

I also got a new book that I need to go through tonight. Hopefully it gives a bit more insight on painting mood working with storytelling.