Artist's Block

So every once in a while, I get artist's block. I pick up a tablet and try to draw something but it just turns into scribbles instead. Literally scribbles. No matter what I try to draw I just don't like it, or I can't get that idea in my head. And no matter what I just hate it. Sometimes it happens just for a day, sometimes it's a couple of days. I don't think I have ever had anything more than a week go by where I just don't want to. I don't get frustrated with it. At least not any more.

I realize that sometimes you just need to step away from your craft to get your head on straight. And even though I still don't know what to draw, I still do a little practice. I have been using Sktchy for a while now and just pump out some 30 minute sketches. It's not much but it's a positive direction for your craft.